Happy New Year

Posted by: Agnes in

Happy New YeAr For All my Friends in over the world...
Hope All the best for you. Hopefuly,we get the best in this year and more getting better in our life.I'm sorry if i make a mistake, i want we can meet again even though we meet in other city and in everywhere, but I miss You all my friends. Although we are not together in this moment, i think we can celebrate New Year in everywhere be happy..
Dont Forget..GREAT FOR ALLAH we still life now..Amin.Thanks God..
Good Bye 2007 and Welcome 2008.
Good Luck For All..Viva Accounting 2003 Unsoed,he..I miss U all


Kiprah Wanita Dalam Berbisnis

Posted by: Agnes in

Ya..banyak sekali di sekitar kita melihat pedagang yang sebagian besar wanita, di lingkungan tempat saya tinggal hampir sebagian besar enterpreneur adalah wanita, dari berjualan sayur, nasi rames, salon, kursus vocal dan alat musik, bakso, bahkan ada yang berjualan lebih dari satu macam barang.
Ibu Tinggal, rumah dia terletak di belakang rumah saya, hidupnya sangat sederhana bahkan bisa dikatakan tidak mampu, dia mempunyai 4 orang anak ditambah lagi dia harus mengurus ibunya dirumah. Saya akui dia mempunyai jiwa enterpreneur yang tinggi, sebelumnya dia hanya berjualan keripik kentang, kemudian disaat yang sama dia mulai berjualan serabi di pinggir jalan Jatiwinangun, siang hari dia membuat peyek dan waktu saya tanya padanya, hampir semua kegiatan yang dia lakukan dia kerjakan sendiri. Waktu pagi hari saya tanya sambil membeli serabi (makanan khas Purwokerto yang terbuat dari santan kelapa dan gula merah), saya ingin tahu apa motivasi dia berjualan berbagai macam makanan. Dia menjawab yang paling utama adalah karena dia tidak mau menjadi pembantu, dia sadar dengan pendidikan dia yang minim dia akan kesulitan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak, jadi daripada dia menjadi buruh lebih baik dia jadi "BOS" di perusahaannya sendiri kata dia, dia bisa punya banyak waktu untuk melakukn bisnis lain, kalau sakit ya tidak jualan ya gak papa, gak mungkin ada yang memecat dia, gak tergantung sama orang dan waktu bekerja, wah alasan ini sangat menyentuh saya, bener juga ya..Kenapa kita tidak berpikir menjadi DIREKTUR di perusahaan kita sendiri walaupun perusahaan itu kecil. Saya yakin untuk menjadi besar kita bisa memulai dari yang kecil kan??
Semoga True Story ini menginspirasikan kita untuk tetap semangat to be an enterpreneur. Apalagi wanita yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan yang memang harus kita optimalkan kemampuan kita.
Come on Girls..If you believe you can do it, i think thats we get..


Job Vac in BPN

Posted by: Agnes in

BPN is Badan Pertanahan Indonesia, in this institution has been job vacancy. Yes, for Sarjana degree from Law Faculty and accounting many workers are needed in here.I think its good oppurtunity for us..Yes, thats right looking for job must be powerful and dont be easy hopeless, we must be strong for get the good job. Think positive, patient, and always hard work for do the best, hopefuly we can get the best.Amin..For more information about that job you can visit www.bpn.go.id, you can download that information for you. Hopefuly we can success for get the good job..
Good luck for all..


Ujian Dephut Semarang

Posted by: Agnes in

Oh My God..
Unbelieveble, i dont think so before, if the participant in forest institution very much. Actually, the oppurtunity only 16 people for accounting and only 1 or 2 people for another major in over Indonesia,but you know the parcipants until 52.000 people in over Indonesia and in Semarang 4000 people. I believe Indonesian people have a high optimisem, and also i look many unemployments in Indonesia but only a little oppurtunity for work.So,why we dont create job oppurtunity in Indonesia?I think this case make us knows and build a motivation for creating job oppurtunity with to be good enterpreneur. I think every people have oppurtunity to be enterpreneur.So,why we aren't become enterpreneur than we wait the job?
Ok..Lets struggle for growing to be enterpreneur.Hopefuly we can success..
Good Luck for all..


Dinas Perdagangan..

Posted by: Agnes in

Wow...many oppurtunity for unemploymens in Indonesia this year, hopefuly many people in Indonesia get good job and nothing unemploymen in Indonesia again..Amin
Job vac in Dinas Perdagangan, if you want get more information please visit www.depdag.go.id.
Good luck for all...


dep. pertanian

Posted by: Agnes in

There is job vac in dep. pertanian, please visit www.deptan.go.id if you interested and get more information.
Lets Struggle friends..
Hope we get the best...Amin
Good Luck and always be the best


Dinas Perindustrian

Posted by: Agnes in

Yes..i think i haven't late yet to tell you about job vacancy in Dinas Perindustrian..
I think its good for bachelor's degree in over indonesia, because many bachelor's need in this institution. So,lets we register in this institution.For more informatin about this job please visit: www.depperin.go.id. If you interest for this job please you can visit this site.
Good Luck and do the best..


Bappenas Opening Vacan

Posted by: Agnes in

Hi my friends..
Today i have information about job vacancy for you, i think this year many oppurtunity for to be PNS because many institutions opening job vacancy. So if you want to be PNS please you can register in Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) and if you get the job lets we make over our country for to better build our country. He..
If you want more information pleas visit www.bappenas.go.id.
Lets struggle for change our country for to be better our country,hopefuly..
If you believe you can do it, Must be you can do it..!!!
Good luck for all..


Job Vacancy in BKPM

Posted by: Agnes in

Yes..you can visit www.bkpm.go.id for give more information about job vacancy in Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal.
Lets struggle to find the good job in our life but you know we must keep pray.Hope we can get the best From Allah for us.Amin...
Have a try my friends..
Good Luck for all and always do the best everyday...


I have new labels..

Posted by: Agnes in

Alhamdulilah..today i have inspirationed to add my labels,they are Women Area and Sharing. These labels dedicated for my friends in over the world to share and give opinion about anything, politics, economics, family, love,school,friends,and anything you want to share with our friends in this blog.I think its good for add my knowledge and my experiences exactly,please join in my blog and lets we grow together for to be better in our life,hopefuully we can do it!
Good Luck for All..



Posted by: Agnes in

Yup...In this room you can share about our problems and we can get the solution from everyone and many differents solution of course. If you dont mind you can write your problems and anything to my email in agnes_cnintyaz@yahoo.co.id or my email in this blog,you can give your photo also, then i post your problems in this labels for get solutions from our friends,but if you not comfortable if i post your name, i promise to secreet your identity. We can learning from problems everyone and come on..we try to looking for solution for those problems.
lets sharing for anything...
Keep spirit friends..!!!


What a girl want?

Posted by: Agnes in

Selama tiga puluh tahun pembelajaranku mengenai hakikat feminitas, satu pertanyaan besar yang tak pernah bisa kujawab: apa sebenarnya yang diinginkan oleh seorang perempuan?(Sigmund Freud)
Waduh sayang ya Om Freud gak pernah baca blog ku he..he..
Menurut aku wanita itu makhluk yang mempunyai nilai seni yang tinggi, jadi butuh pemahaman mendalam untuk mengungkap apa yang wanita inginkan dan bagaimana cara memperlakukan wanita dengan segala keunikannya. Begitu banyak sisi yang bisa diungkap dari seorang wanita,tapi apakah kamu bisa liat sisi lain wanita? "karena wanita ingin dimegerti" that's right! Tetapi wanita bukan makhluk yang egois. Hanya saja tingkat keegoisan wanita itu berbeda-beda. Bukan sedang memperjuangkan Gender,atau karena saya wanita tapi saya mencoba obyektif bahwa wanita ada bukan untuk dijajah walaupun wanita ditakdirkan untuk menjadi makmum kaum adam, tapi hawa itu berasal dari tulang rusuk adam,saya rasa wanita dan pria saling bergantung.Menghargai wanita adalah wujud apresiasi pria dalam mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan dan menghargai pria itu sendiri. Apa yang diinginkan wanita bisa kamu temukan dengan bagaimana kamu memahami,menghargai,dan menyayangi wanita itu dengan tulus.
Aku yakin kamu juga bisa melihat sisi lain wanita,dan beda dari yang aku tulis. Please you can write your opinion about women in comments coloumn...
thanks a lot..


Why we wait opportunity?

Posted by: Agnes in

Don’t wait great opportunity. Lets struggle common opportunity and become to great opportunity. Weak people wait the opportunity, strong people create the opportunity (Orison Swett Marden).
Jangan menunggu kesempatan yang luar biasa. Rebutlah kesempatan biasa dan jadikan luar biasa. Orang lemah menunggu kesempatan, orang kuat menciptakan kesempatan (Orison Swett Marden).

Lets struggle..why we must wait opportunity?
Come on..to be strong and creative people to create the opportunity. Being trend center better than follower.
Actually we can learn from our experiences and everyone experiences. Just try and try more dont be hopeless!!I think we have much ability to be success people in our life.
With knows our strenght and weakneses we can create opportunity to get our purpose.

I'm sorry if my english still make a mistake. But i try do the best to written in english.Thanks a lot..
Good Luck for us and always do the best...


You want To Be A Presenter?

Posted by: Agnes in

if you want to be TV presenter,there is job vacancy in Trans TV i think its good oppurtunity for you. You know maybe i'm not suitable in this job,because my height ehm...he..he..ya not suitable. I'm a small women but i have big motivation to do the best in my life,he...
ok..if you interested about this vacant you can visit www.transtv.co.id,in this site you can get more information.
Good luck and Have a try...


departemen sosial

Posted by: Agnes in

job vacancy in social departement, for more information please visit www.depsos.go.id
hopefuly we get that job..Amin
good luck for all..

Posted by: Agnes in

Buat temen2 akuntansi 2003 in over Indonesia. Last month we Break Fasting together in New Tantene Purwokerto. This activity for build a relationship in Ramadhan Month and nostalgia with our friends in acconting 2003, because there is students have been studying in campus and many students have been graduated too, so we want relationship still strong forever.Amin..
good luck for accounting 2003. Keep Struggle and do the best..


Global Warming

Posted by: Agnes in

Why happen global warming in the world? Because we want that happen.
Yes, actually global warming is made by human. Sometimes we are realized or we aren’t realized, we supported to global warming faster. Since I watched Oprah in Metro TV about danger of global warming, Ex vice president America the name is Al Gore, He said that global warming has been threatened our life in over the world. Yes, I think Judgement day to closer, God has been given warning about our false cause we don’t keep the world as well, in example: have been disasters in the several country and area in the world including in Indonesia. According to what Al Gore said that the facts we supported global warming from the small things, but sometimes we aren’t realized, its very dangerous to support global warming, in example: lights, wash machine, vacum cleaner, and soap we use everyday, several products like that to produce subtances making global warming faster. When I wacthed that talk show, I was surprising about it. I never expected that from small things and its very closer with us cause global warming also. I’m realized that’s very dangerous for nature, but I have problem to choose good products are not dangerous and friendly with nature (ramah lingkungan).

Lets keep our the world for our life and the next generation…!!
Warning about danger of Global Warming has been made in movie by Al Gore and the title is “An Incovenient True”. I think it is good movie and you must be wacth this because its give me more knowledge about global warming. Hope after we wacthed the movie we are realized about danger of global warming and prevent the danger of global warming.
By the way I haven’t wacthed yet the movie…he…he..But I did wacthed a part of that movie in the television. And I know it’s a good movie.
And how about you to face global warming in the world??

Please, you can correct my english, I’m realized my english still make a mistake.

Good Luck For All


Happy Idul Fitri

Posted by: Agnes in

Idul Fitri is a wonderful opportunity, to care,to love,to pray,to forgive each others.
I just wanna say please forgive me for things i did wrong, for words might hurt, for jokes you can take, for everything if you dont like and make you dissapointed, i realy-realy sorry. Even thought i know its wrong and i dont know.
please accepted my apollogiez...
"Taqobalahu Mina Wa Minkum"
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin.
Hope we can get opportunity said this next year,Allah have forgoten us,we can meet again,and to be better of course..
Thanks if you have forgoten me...
Good Luck For Us..
Sorry,if my writing still bad and i make a mistake, please you can correct my english...Thanks

Warm Regards

Rumah Kafein..

Posted by: Agnes in

Before Ramadhan last month, my friends and i went to Rumah Kafein.Cafe in junction Jl.Brigjen Encung,good place for "nongkrong"(indonesian language for hanging out).Main Menu in this Cafe are coffee and modification drink from coffee.I request Orange coffee,yes i think its excelent drink, not bad.If you don't like coffee,you can request other,like Lime Squash,many juice,traditional snacks,and many traditional foods.The place with Java interior,unique chairs and tables from wood,make we feel at "suasana"(i dont know in English) Javanese tempo dulu.If you come to Purwokerto and you need suasana traditional Javanese you can come to this place.
Hopefuly this information give you benefit..

Please correct my English..I'm realized my english haven't good yet..
Thanks before..



Posted by: Agnes in

i have information for you...opportunity for to be PNS, please open this site: www.cpns.lipi.go.id, if you interest about this job you can register online in that website before October,16 2007.
Please register and always pray of course..
Good Luck..


I will Try To Fill My Blog In English..

Posted by: Agnes in

Hi my friends…
Thanks for visiting my blog. Sometimes, I will try write my blog in English. Because I have been learning my english in order to be better my english. So, I will try write this blog in english. But, first I realy-realy sorry if I writing in english I make a mistake. I don’t mind if you find a mistake about my english, please you can correct my english in comments coloumn, I want your help to be better my english. Thanks before.
Ok…Shall we learning together!!


Bank Indonesia Announcement

Posted by: Agnes in

Congrat's to all my friends..
Your struggle haven't finished yet, you have to study hard and always pray to face third exam in BI. I believe you can do it..
Now, you can thanks for God for your successed in second tested BI. 
I always pray for us..
Never mind..i haven't yet passed that exam,i believe its the best from Allah for me. Hopefuly, next time i'll be try again and i get that job in BI, Amin..
Good Luck for all...Lady,Ba Putri,Risca,Meidina,Daman..
Viva Accounting 2003..Hope you can do the best..
Be Struggle My Friends..


Dep. Kehutanan

Posted by: Agnes in

Departemen Kehutanan have been opening job vacancy, if you want get more information please visit this website : www.dephut.go.id, i think its very important for us..
Good luck for us..


PT. Prima Buana Internusa

Posted by: Agnes in

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Sebuah Perusahaan Pengelolaan Gedung yang merupakan sister company
dari Agung Podomoro Group, Developer terbesar saat ini.

Lowongan Posisi:Secretary/ Admin

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
To arrange technical and SOP administration, translate the technical
standardizations to bahasa, arrange the filling system, to respond a
phone call.

Tanggal Tayang: 09/27/2007
Pendidikan: Diploma - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: 2 - 3 million
Tanggal Penutupan: 10/11/2007

Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo. com untuk melamar Lowongan ini.
Jika anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu

Address Office: Mediterania Garden Residences, 2nd Floo Tower Azalia, Jl.
Tanjung duren Raya Kav. 5-9, Jakarta Barat Indonesia

Lets success together..
Please try this Apllycation..
Good Luck for all


International Financial Services

Posted by: Agnes in

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
moves in Financial Services

Lowongan Posisi: Financial Analyst

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Financial Service

Tanggal Tayang: 09/27/2007
Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 10/31/2007

Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo. com untuk melamar Lowongan ini.
Jika anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu

Address Office: Jln.Jendral Sudirman Kav.52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

I hope we can used this oppurtunity..
Good Luck For All..



Posted by: Agnes in

This is job vacancy from Toyota Astra Finance, i hope this information give benefits for us. Lets we struggle together for getting better our future..if we dont accepted this job, dont worry just try and try..
Good Luck for us..

TA Finance, is a fast growing company, joint venture between Toyota
Financial Services Corp., Japan and PT Astra International Tbk., which
focuses on automotive finance throughout Indonesia. We are committed in
providing exceptional service to its customers with the aim of

"To be the Preferred Financing Solution for Toyota Ownership through
Service Excellence"

Regional Analyst, code RA
The incumbent will support the Regional Division Head for monitoring
operation, by preparing the data, analysing our operation's performance
and being able to facilitate operation for solving the problems and
define strategic plans.
You should literate in analysing data, supporting with good business
sense and strong analytical thinking. Master degree (MM) from marketing
or finance with marketing interest and experience in Multi Finance
industry will be advantages.

Fleet Account Officer, code FAO
The incumbent will be responsible for maintaining and creating
new account in order to achieve sales performance individual and team
target. As our liaison you have to understand the needs of customers
develop a proposition which they will regard as a valuable account.
You should have min. 2 years experiences in corporate sales or
in the area of banking or financial services, having great network,
great drive to achieve target, strong financial analysis, good
interpersonal skill, literate in English (and mandarin as an added
value). Graduate degree from Management and experience as corporate
account officer are preferred.

IT Developer, code ITD
The individual will be responsible for designing, implementing and
maintaining the Information Technology System effectively and
The successful candidate is required to have more than 2 years of
experiences in related field, preferably in IT multi finance
and Back End system. Basic required IT application: MS SQL Server, ASP,
and .net application.

Service Development, code SD
The incumbent will be responsible in designing, developing, and
maintaining programs for service excellence in order enhance the level
of customer satisfaction; to assure that the service has met the
customer expectation. The successful candidate should have strong
analytical thinking, professional attitude and customer service

Apprentice (AP)
The incumbent will be responsible to support the development in order
have standardized buildings and facilities. He/she also must be able to
negotiate with contractors. Hence, the individual must have good team
working and initiation, fluent in English, willing to be assigned
outside of Jakarta, and strong analytical thinking as well as technical
skill. Fresh graduated in Civil Engineering are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply?

1. Download the pre-defined Application Form at
(the form is also
attached here)
2. Send the Application Form (with file name
"YourName_UniversityName.xls") with your CV to:

3. Please write "Application_Toyota Astra Finance" as the email subject
4. The latest date to submit your application is on October 24, 2007
5. Incomplete application document won't be processed

or you can fill in the application forms no later than October 24,
which are provided at:

Sekretariat CDC FEUI
Gedung A lt. 3
Fakultas Ekonomi
Kampus UI - Depok
Ph. 021-7272425 ext. 142

Registration time : 09.00 - 15.00

Warm Regards..


Vacancy Job

Posted by: Agnes in

I have information for you about vacancy job, i think i’m not late to give this information for you. Any job vacancy in Depdagri, please open this website www.depdagri.go.id to get more information about this vacancy.
I think we must be try to apply this vacancy, dont worry if we failed to be accepted this job, maybe any different plan from God to be better than it. Just try and try. Hope this information to benefit for you..
Good Luck for all..
Warm Regards..


Kita Mau Jadi Juara seperti Apa?

Posted by: Agnes in

Para Juara, bermain untuk menang, bukan sekadar jangan kehilangan. Jika Anda bermain bukan untuk menang, jangan bermain. Tetapi pemenang bukanlah mau menang sendiri. Semua ada aturan-aturannya (Jack Llewellyn, dalam Rhenald Kasali, 2007)
Kata-kata diatas mengetuk hati saya untuk menghilangkan rasa ragu-ragu (Self Doubt) dan takut (Fear), kita harus optimis dengan apa yang akan maupun sedang kita kejakan dan kita capai. Kadang dua perasaan itu muncul sebelum kita mencoba, itulah yang membelenggu pikiran kita untuk bergerak dan melakukan hal baru. Apabila kita berpihak pada dua hal itu, kita hanya bisa diam dan tidak menghasilkan “sesuatu”. Tapi tentu saja, dalam mendapatkan sesuatu kita harus patuh pada The Rule of Game nya, biar kemenangan kita bisa lebih optimal and kayaknya sih kita bisa lebih puas..
How about you??...

Pelepasan Wisuda Sarjana Angkatan 86

Posted by: Agnes in

Tanggal 6 September 2007 saya dan teman-teman mengikuti acara pelepasan wisuda angkatan 86 di Gedung Korpri Purwokerto. Akhirnya setelah 4 tahun kita kuliah, lulus juga, bukan perjuangan yang mudah dan sebentar, but I like it and I enjoy my study in Jenderal Soedirman University. Banyak yang saya dapat selama saya kuliah, knowledge, experience, friends, and many more. Thanks for all my lecturers and other. Bahagia, bersyukur, dan takut. Yah, di depan saya dunia lebih kejam, perjuangan harus lebih keras, and I think this moment for build my future. So, I must go on.. never ending learning and perjuangan kita jangan pernah berhenti yah…
Buat temen-temen Akuntansi 2003 yang udah lulus atau hampir lulus, semangat buat kita semua, we are one with love because we are the Good Team..he..tema inaugurasi kita tuh.

Good Luck For All..


Ibadah dari Hal yang Kecil

Posted by: Agnes in

Kadang kita melewatkan dan menganggap remeh hal yang kecil. Tapi setelah saya membaca buku agama, tapi jujur saya malah lupa gak baca judul sama pengarangnya, saya cuma liat daftar isinya, he…
Di buku itu dijelaskan bahwa setiap aktivitas positif yang kita lakukan selain mendapat manfaat untuk kita tetapi bisa juga mendapat pahala lho. Contohnya aja kita mau makan, sebaiknya kita bersyukur dulu, dengan berdoa dulu sebelum&sesudah makan, niatkan Lilahi ta’la. Karena apabila makan kita dibarengi dengan doa berarti kita melaksanakan perintah Allah yaitu apabila kita mensyukuri setiap nikmat Nya, Insya Allah Allah akan menambah nikmat kita. Begitu pula, apabila setiap kegiatan positif yang lain kita niatkan untuk ibadah kepada Allah, untuk mendapat ridho dan pahala dari Nya, Insya Allah kita juga mendapat ridho dan pahala dari Allah, amin…
Untuk melakukan hal yang besar, kita harus memulai dari yang kecil kan?
Thanks Allah…


Posted by: Agnes in

Welcome Ramadhan…

Alhamdulillah…Bulan puasa datang lagi. Belum telat khan ngucapinnya..
Mari kita bersyukur masih diberi kesempatan, kesehatan, dan mukjizat untuk melaksanakan ibadah di bulan yang penuh berkah ini. Ayo wujudkan rasa syukur kita dengan memperbanyak amal ibadah kita karena apabila kita mengerjakan dengan ikhlas dan kusyu’ Lilahi Ta’ala Insya Allah pahala kita berlipat, allohuma Amin..
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan 1428 H..Mohon Maaf atas segala kesalahan Agnes ya, supaya Insya Allah Ramadhan ini bisa menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi dan selalu di Ridhoi Allah SWT, amin..



Posted by: Agnes in

Buat kamu yang lagi jomblo gimana caranya biar tetep enjoy ama kejombloan kamu:

  1. cari temen sebanyak-banyaknya,mau jomblo ato gak temen kamu yang penting bertemen aja ma mereka.
  2. hindari denger curhatan temen kamu yang lagi bahagia ma pacar nya, tapi dengerin aja curhatan temen kamu yang lagi disakitin ma pacar mereka.
  3. ambil sisi negatif kalo lagi liat ada orang lagi pacaran di depan kita. contohnya: kliatannya aja mereka seneng tapi sebenernya mereka tuh pasti sering berantem, dll. terserah orang mau nganggep kita sirik, ato iri yang penting kita enjoy ama kejombloan kita.
  4. cari juga temen yang senasib.
  5. banyakin kegiatan yang bisa ketemu cowo ganteng ato cewe cantik, jadi buat kamu yang cewe bisa tuh cuci mata liat cowo ganteng, kaya nonton basket, nonton sepak bola (kalo ada yang ganteng)he..
  6. smsan sama banyak temen yang care ma kita jadi kan walaupun gak punya cowo/cewe tetep ada yang care ma kita.
  7. ambil sisi positifnya kalo kita gak punya pacar: kita bisa ngeceng, punya deket ma temen2 yang ganteng ato yang cantik and gak ada yang cemburuin and nglarang2 kita, bisa kenal banyak orang and banyak pilihan juga ambil yang benefitnya banyak tapi risk nya kecil..
  8. bisa nyari banyak TTM yang menguntungkan kita, tanpa ada yang nglarang2.
  9. menunggu waktu yang tepat and pasangan yang tepat jadi gak perlu tepat watu. yang penting sabar karena buahnya pasti manis..amin...jodoh kan ada di tangan Tuhan jadi tenang aja ya...

semoga bermanfaat...


Diet Untuk Semua Golongan Darah

Posted by: Agnes in

Diet ini udah dilakukan oleh 8 orang teman saya termasuk saya dan sudah mewakili 4 golongan darah. Kunci diet sehat adalah olah raga, makan-makanan bergizi, dan buah-buahan. Caranya:

  1. Olah raga secara teratur: minimal lari selama 30 menit. Menurut penelitian apabila kita lari 30 menit maka, terjadi pembakaran kalori dan keringat pada 20 menit pertama, setelah 25 menit terjadi pembakan lemak, dan 25-30 menit terakhir terjadi pembakaran gula, lebih baik lagi ditambah aerobik, atau fitnes selain sehat, badan kita lebih bagus, lebih keliatan segar dan cantik juga akan meningkatkatkan percaya diri.
  2. Banyak minum air putih, selain untuk kesehatan air putih juga dapat membuat kulit kita tetap segar dan awet muda loh…
  3. Makan pagi dan makan siang tetap makan nasi dengan proporsi nasi 20% dan lauk 80%, artinya nasi sedikit aja, tapi banyak lauknya dan harus ada sayurannya karena baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kalsium dan vitamin bagi tubuh dan baik juga buat pencernaan.
  4. Hindari ngemil makanan yang gak sehat, berlemak, dan mengndung zat-zat yang tidak baik untuk tubuh. Hindari juga minuman bersoda, minuman berkadar gula tinggi proporsinya dalam sehari jangan terlalu sering, makanan yang mengandung minyak, junk food karena bikin kita cepet banget gendut, kaya kentang goreng, burger, dll.
  5. Kalo mau ngemil sehat beli aja buah-buahan, jagung rebus, ketela rebus, ubi rebus, atau minum susu diet.
  6. Nah, kalo mau makan malem jangan makan nasi, tapi pengganti nasi kaya roti gandum selain enak, berserat, juga menyenyangkan loh…Atau kalo masih laper juga and gak bisa tidur kamu boleh makan sayur atau buah-buahan yang banyak, terus minum air putih yang banyak.
  7. Jadi makanan yang perlu dihindari adalah santan, gula, es, dan nasi yang proporsinya banyak. Santan memang gak bikin gendut tapi, sifatnya mengikat lemak, sehingga lemak yang ada di badan gak ilang-ilang. Gula sama es emang bikin gendut tuh, nah kalo kita makan nasi tapi abis itu gak melakukan kegiatan atau aktivitas maka akan mengendap di perut, jadi perut gampang gendut. Kan banyak kita liat anaknya kurus tapi perutnya gendut..

Diet ini terbukti 8 orang teman saya dalam jangka waktu 2 bulan mengalami penurunan berat badan dan peningkatan kepercayaan diri, hee……Namun penurunannya bervariasi: ada yang 10kg itu yang nurut banget, ada yang 8kg, nah saya termasuk yang gak kuat liat makanan enak jadi dalam waktu 2 bulan Alhamdulilah turun 4kg. selain efeknya kurus, tapi juga sehat loh…
Good luck yaaa kalo mau nyoba...


My Friend and I

Posted by: Agnes in

This photo has been modified by using adobe photoshop. There are agnes, acie, and dhite.

Suasana Romantis Ayam goreng Tantene

Posted by: Agnes in

Ayam Goreng Tantene adalah restoran ayam goreng yang terkenal di purwokerto. Saat ini sudah ada dua restoran yaitu di Pabuaran dan di Karang Salam. Kecuali harga murah, rasa mantap dan suasana romantis.


Posted by: Agnes in

selamat datang di web blog agnes cahyanintyas. web blog ini saya bangun sebagai sarana sharing tentang pengetahuan, filosofi hidup, rahasia sukses, maupun hal-hal bermanfaat lainnya.
Sukses untuk kita semua.
Warm Regards..